You Don’t Need Someone Else Permission to Write and Publish on Medium
We live in the age of permissionless
The Beginning of My Writing Journey
The first time I wrote on this platform, I thought my writing or articles were going to perform really really badly. There was this feeling and thought inside my head telling me that no one wants to read my article.
If Spiderman has his spider-sense that will be tingling and function to make him aware of the dangers nearby and make him ready for any upcoming attack.
I also tingle, but not like Spiderman with his spider sense, it was my impostor syndrome sense.
Whenever I write and am about to hit the publish button on Medium, suddenly “My impostor syndrome sense is tingling” (try to speak like Spiderman tone).
Of course, I’m a beginner at that time, and just like any other beginner who tried to start anything without sufficient knowledge and experience, boldness became my only arsenal and every newbie’s best friend and companion in order to reach the top spot and gain more knowledge and experience.
I’ll be honest with all of you guys here. I have no specialized writing degree, course, or even certification which would show if I’m a truly capable person of doing what I do, that is writing.
I choose to go hell with someone else’s opinion or point of view when I start building my own blog. Well not a very good mindset, but I have to if I want to force myself to move forward. No looking back. Only write, write, and write no matter what happens with the outcome.
The Middle of My Writing Journey
After several times writing and publishing dozens of articles on my own Medium blog, the outcome was actually not that awful. For the first-timer, I did pretty well so far.
My writings weren’t that great tho, but not that poor either. It’s more like in the middle, or at least I can say it’s just normal writing, with no fancy words, or even life-changing information in it.
At this stage, I probably have had more than 15 articles or more. However, I still had no readers and comments and claps filling up my Medium notification bar.
I didn’t really care about this because my aim was to become a great writer with lots of practice, so I didn’t mind any numbers or statistics. In fact, I kind of feel happy when no one reads or comments, or claps on my article.
Knowing that no one didn’t give a damn about my writings had given me the opportunity and freedom to express whatever was in my mind with whatever writing style or tone I wanted to apply.
My mindset was only focused on creating a lot of content that could impact people who had the same adversities as I am. This is also the part where I learn to hone my content creation skills.
The Present of My Writing Journey
During this phase, just like the name, I indeed gained a lot of presents in my Medium blog. This happened because I’m consistent in creating a lot of content on a daily basis.
Many readers are reading, commenting, clapping, and highlighting some of my ideas that they felt helpful or informative as their writing advice or for life advice in general. Up until now, I already have like more than 30 articles (close to 40 maybe), so having the fruit from all of my hard work is what I would’ve expected.
Not just that, the peak of what makes me genuinely satisfied is that my readers also save my story to their reading list. It implies that my writing or articles become a potential resource to improve their life at something they need to improve or change.
How can you not be happy when you finally be able to improve or inspire other people to do good and positive things?
Final Thoughts
I believe we humans reap what we sow. When we plant the seed of kindness or positivity inside it, then the good or positive will grow and come back to us no matter what.
My writing journey has shown that even when we don’t have anything great to offer or a specific degree of knowledge, to begin with, we can always be a beacon of hope or inspiration to other people whose life might need your perspective, and ideas, advice, or life lessons.
It can be that your ideas could spark other people’s next book project. Who knows, maybe your life lessons could be a great help in reducing someone’s anxiety.
You don’t need someone else permission to write and publish on Medium. You don’t have to be a professor to have the authorization to write something. I love what Naval Ravikant says about the age we live in.
We all live in the age of permissionless.
No one can hold you, no one can stop you. Go ahead and do your things.