Turning Disappointments Into Meaningful Life Lessons
Everything you have to know to stay positive at your worst
I will get to the point. I’m 24 and about hitting 25. I have no job, no money, no lover, no expensive gadgets like what my friends use and flex on their social media, and the most important among all, I have no friends (like close friends, a pal or a comrade).
For a moment, I thought my life was ridiculously unacceptable, but it turns out not to be. My situation right now is my biggest gift and the best life lesson I’ve ever had.
Until I found and watched a YouTube video of one YouTuber explaining the same thing happened to him. He was in the same state as I am experiencing right now (or maybe even worse than me). After finishing watching his life experience, I literally said to myself in front of a mirror “well, at least my life isn’t so awful”.
You see that the problem we have when we are at our lowest and worst condition is we tend to quickly blame the situations or the people around us. For instance:
- Hard getting a job and so we will blame the pandemic and the government.
- Seeing a friend with a new and expensive car and gadgets and the more we will criticize their lifestyle. Saying that they live in a “privilege” of their parents wealth.
- People easily landed a job they dreamed of, we’ll say it’s because of the inside job and parents’ connection that make them successful at what they do.
- Your relatives or friends on Instagram showing off their vacations while still maintaining to make a lot of money, we’d say it’s because of “luck” they could achieve those kinds of possibilities.
- Looking at your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend with another man or woman after breaking up with you, we’ll say it’s because they are a playgirl or a playboy to begin with.
- And many more that I couldn’t say here one by one.
Those reactions above are more likely expected from us rather than a positive, soothing statement that eventually will convince more of a clear mind.
Our painful conditions heavily affect our minds. People with no food can go far to eat each other, performing what we call a cannibalism act. Even though their substitute food is human, they couldn’t care less. Filling in the stomach to stay alive is the number one priority.
We only want to see things at the same viewpoint as our conditions, not others. Ultimately, leading and resulting in more negativity in life.
Shift your mindset. Never stop hoping and working for your dream. If you’re a religious person and believe in the existence of God, why don’t you pray that everything will be okay?
Re-framing your thoughts, probably is the best possible way for you to overcome your condition right now.
So, instead of:
- Saying it’s hard to get a job, why don’t you do something else that is more productive, like writing a blog on medium. You can write almost anything you want to write, be it fictional or fact.
- Saying that someone was lucky because they were born with the privilege of their parents’ wealth, why don’t you appreciate all the things you have had right now, because your place or position could also be someone else’s wish to live like you.
- Saying someone else was lucky with their business, why don’t you congratulate them and follow their success and try to learn and start to create your own business.
- Always saying, why don’t you act and hustle on your dream.
That’s how I turn my disappointments in life into meaningful life lessons. That’s how I overcome my negativity and make my life easier.
Even eating junk foods or playing video games are better than saying and thinking your life is more miserable than anyone else (although I’m not recommend you to eat junk foods and video games at excessive rates).
After re-framing the thoughts you have in mind with what I have just stated above, try to cultivate and apply the ideas on a daily basis, as if you were making it a habit and after that you’ll get the big picture and the real meaningful lessons would eventually come to your head by itself.
So when you know that:
- Getting a job is harder, you’ll probably appreciate and stay longer on the first job you have successfully landed. Unlike others who jump from one job to another because it’s easier for them to get a job.
- Someone living a better life than you and you also know someone is living a much worse life than you, you’ll be grateful and enjoy all the things you have had now. Life isn’t a race. The success parameters are different from one person to one another.
- And other things you could turn into a much more meaningful life lesson.
If you think this article helpful, don’t forget to leave a comment and a clap, even one clap is worth more than no clap at all. I hope you who are reading this have a great day and are always blessed with positivity in everyday life. Thank you.