My Number 1 Secret Trick to Gain Traffic for My Medium Blog as a Beginner Writer

The trick you should have applied as soon as you write on Medium

Zidni Ilman
3 min readDec 20, 2021
Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

The number of articles we publish on this platform has overwhelmed me and many newbies on Medium. We desperately wanted to grow our stats from views, claps, and comments.

People who are new to this platform believe that quantity could make their Medium blog traffic higher. And what I meant by quantity is that we have to produce articles every day.

While I agree with the conventional, old method of increasing traffic, I probably have found the fastest and the easiest way to make my Medium blog (and perhaps yours too) viewed by many people. From fellow aspiring writers and readers who need a pearl of wisdom and knowledge from you.

My secret trick, I believe, could also help you reach what you always want all this time, “getting traffic”.

I’m personally not that happy when I see my Medium blog traffic is increasing since my purpose is to write and help others.

But I can’t imagine the look on your face when your first article or other articles are getting decent views, claps, and some comments, although you only did it for a couple of days.

This is my number one secret trick to achieve traffic for your Medium blog as soon as you write and publish your articles on this platform.

Put Your Medium Blog Link on Every Freelance Platform You Have

You know what?

No one told me or no one has ever said this to a beginner writer like us. It just doesn’t feel fair for people who are just starting.

We need to find our way to solve the problem and make it work. We are being forced to come up with our method to make things run.

The reason I’m telling you this is that I don’t want you to feel the same road I had taken before.

The struggle to get a hundred views, dozens of claps, and a few comments, if this were the aim of why you create your Medium blog for the first time.

So, what are the reasons for putting your Medium blog link on every freelance platform you have?

It is fairly a simple question to answer.

But, here are the benefits if you put your Medium link on a freelance platform:

  • Hirers would spend their time looking and reading your articles or blog. They want to choose a qualified writer for their job by seeing the effort that the freelancers have made.

And by looking and reading at every article you have created on your blog, the views will go up and so the traffic will increase.

  • It’s a better way to promote your work rather than using any other social media platform unless you’re already famous or proven as an expert in the subject.

Trust me, social media is a great way to gain traffic, but not just as a beginner writer or newbie.

Most people would look down upon your work and see you as someone pretending to be some wannabe writer.

  • People who want to hire you will always look upon your trusted portfolio and the only way to do it is by putting your Medium blog link on the “introduce me section”.

So more traffic and it’s a nice thing to do.

  • If you are lucky, you may get the chance to work on someone else’s writing project and finally be able to monetize your writing skills.

Final Thoughts

Those are all the benefits when I put my Medium blog link to every freelance platform I have. That is also my way of gaining traffic for my Medium blog recently.

If you believe that other social media platforms, like Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook could do the same, then feel free to do it.

But note that, I’m new to Medium and I only started a few months ago. So in my perspective, I would rather create as many articles and make the hirers on freelance platforms go see my work.

By doing that, I got both the traffic and the trust as a beginner writer, which is a win-win situation.



Zidni Ilman
Zidni Ilman

Written by Zidni Ilman

Hello, I'm Zidni and I work as an Amazon product sourcer for a US private company.

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