How Hopelessness Can Strengthen You Forward
I was in this state, but I didn’t hide and run away. Instead, I grow stronger.
I can assure you every person on earth, as long as they live, knows how it feels when they are hopeless. Sense of not knowing what to do after so many failures, rejections, disappointments, bankruptcy, loss, and any other negative events that occurred to their life, are the ones who made them not progressing.
People perceive hopelessness as a tragic experience, which hits them hard and puts their emotional feelings close to all the possibilities of improvement. But do we really have to close all the doors to improve after lots of unfavorable affairs?
This where the importance to learn from the mistakes and doing evaluations comes in rewarding. You may fail one hundred times, but when you are not trying to learn from the error and fixing the failure and keep repeating it, you’re doing it wrong.
Albert Einstein once said:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
For me, I had this experience of prospecting someone so that he would buy the products and services I had offered. So what I did was text or call them to arrange an appointment schedule. But the hopelessness in me comes not because I couldn’t sell the products and services.
The hopelessness happened because many of them (after I had texted and called) had gone away without further explanation or information. Have you ever felt the same way? Word “Ghosting” is preferably suited to describe their kind of act. I mean, come on, what’s wrong with denying my invitation to come to a meeting.
It wouldn’t be problematic if they didn’t accept my invitation. Truthfully, if they deny me, it will be more respectable for them, of course in a simple and good manner, such as saying:
“I’m sorry. Right now, I’m not interested in your offer. Maybe next time I will buy from you If I already changed my mind”.
See? It wasn’t so hard.
After they “ghosted” me for a long time, I was kind of hopeless honestly and didn’t have the spirit to advance. I feel empty and stuck at the same time. I was in this state, but I didn’t hide and run away. Instead, I grow stronger.
Luckily I had an excellent mentor who always guided and motivates me even when I couldn’t pull it off. Besides that, my workplace always gives me tons of motivation to contend with the reality I’m facing at the moment. My mentor reminded me about my goals back then, when I was accepted in the interview session.
It makes me want to start over again, although it’s hard. But my dreams and all the hard work I have put in slowly wake me up and strengthen me to face the harsh truth of my work. It was the trigger that always kept me awake to the goals I want to reach, at least for now.
Right now, I always try a fresh approach on how I could sell my product and services. Learn the mistakes and evaluate them weekly with my mentor so I could get the best insights to achieve success.
I can’t say much, but I’m just going to say that you should find your own trigger. Who keeps you awake from the bitter reality. I am just sharing what’s worked for me to keep on the route and I hope it could work with you too.