A Letter for Everyone Who Feels Frustrated
You are not alone, and we can get through this together
Hello beautiful souls.
I hope you who read this will always have a wonderful day in your everyday life.
I wrote this letter to reach out to people. The people out there who felt depressed, doubt, sad, and frustrated about their life. You may wonder why until right now you never get the things you wished for. I could say you’re not the only one, and you just need to hold on for a moment.
Your goal may not result as you have expected it would, but I consistently said in my other articles that your failure or struggle right now is only a part of the success story you will have created in the future.
To be honest, being frustrated is also what makes us rethink how we are going to achieve our goals. Is this the right way to do it? Should I change the course to my goals? Or maybe this way by now has been obsolete and should have been renewed?
Mind, of course, is our biggest asset for a living. Learning to accept is just one way to keep on believing that everything will be okay at the moment. So try to be mindful of your surroundings.
The need to survive in this crowded world where people race to achieve their ambitions, just like all of us who had strived from the very beginning and for the same reason, teaches us about perseverance.
Be grateful for what we have.
Some people may have wished for the life of yours while you’re not thankful for it. A few people consider suicide to end the depression because of how bad their lives were. Several people just want to eat to fill their stomachs.
If you can still eat, sleep in a bedroom and a nice mattress, have proper clothes to wear on, live in a decent house or apartment, then you are more by any means, worth going all out and fighting for what you want most in your life. Your life is more than enough to tackle all the obstacles along the path.
Show gratitude for the life you have now because not everyone could get that privilege. Just like what Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States America has said:
The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.
We can do it, you can do it too.