4 Essential Factors To Improve Your Writing Everyday
The fundamentals you need to implement in mind
Writers keep searching and asking the same question over and over again, “How to make my writing better?”, “Are there any secrets for good writing?”, or “Could my writing attract a lot of readers out there?”. Those questions, without doubt, have been lurking around on the internet as we also search for the same answer and advice to make our writing stand out.
Before I explain about how one could improve their writing through 4 essential factors which I’m going to mention later, let me tell you a little bit about the writing process itself. Writing needs more than just putting the words from your mind into the paper or note alike. It takes a creative process in your mental faculty to produce great writings.
You need to arrange the words neatly, know effectively how to use the words or sentences for the topic you want to tell, and know what words and story that could hook the reader’s attention. It is an ART for sure, and people have to stop looking down on writing as a simple matter that everyone could do it. Of course, I agree writing things down doesn’t need good skills or whatsoever, but great writing does need more than just good practical writing skills.
If you are already out there and writing, but couldn’t see any improvement in your writings and then feel exhausted, so you might want to quit already, you may rebuild your fundamental principle about why you are getting started all along.
Here are the 4 essential factors you need to improve your writing every day, even when you feel like you want to quit.
#1. Positive Mindset
Mindset has been the starting point of all the achievements of the great achievers around the world that ever exist. You can name it, let’s say, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas A. Edison, for example. Those are only a few examples, and many more people had the same success as them if I could say it one by one.
A positive mindset is what we all need to stay in the process. It is the basis of all the ingredients we need to succeed. I know it’s easier to say than to act, but you know what, I’m writing this even when I have any other work to run on. It is crazy enough, but what can I do? To succeed, you have to taste bitterness and pay the price.
You can be as successful as any other people who have been in that state if you think in a positive attitude.
#2 Clear and Definite Purpose
State your purpose loud and make it as real as possible as it will come true. Without purpose, someone doesn’t have the right to improve and succeed. The purpose is like a “Final Boss” in a game or a “Finish Line” in a running competition. It is the missions, the goals you want to achieve, the reasons why everyone works so hard to make a living and live the life they want, and other things why people still strive and struggle until now.
Clear and definite purpose has the ability to empower and strengthen someone on their journey to carrying the tasks needed to succeed, to receive the bitterness from every obstacle, and keep ongoing.
Encourage yourself to create a definite purpose, if you need it, you can also state it on paper or any other note surrounding you. Always bring the written statements of your purpose anywhere and read them along the way to remind you to get back on track if the condition starts to get hard.
#3. Well-Organized Planning and Consistent Action
The plan has been essential for every factor of walk in our life. Before people do or take action about something, they had planned it earlier so it may prevent further loss or regret in the future. On the other hand, well-organized planning could avoid further loss or regret and failure at the same time more accurately than just a simple plan.
An organized plan has the power to make one’s plan successfully reach with careful and detailed analysis. After the comprehensive analysis of the plan, then you must put good use of plans into action. Action in here doesn’t mean just a mere act, but that is consistently and continuously applied. Successful people never stop acting and that is the reason they succeed.
#4. Supportive Groups or Communities
People are social creatures and that is why we all need to socialize and need each other’s backs to help achieve common goals together. Having supportive groups or communities to help you through the hurdles, is going to be a big improvement in every path of your life and the goals you have taken.
For example, a group and community of writers would aid the confused writers to start their career as an author or even as simple as giving tips on how to write better.
Why does it work to have someone to support us?
The harmonious effort that moves in a spirit of harmony toward common goals has put them together above all else to the success they want to reach. So make sure you have the right place to grow your effort and reach the success within you with ease.
Final Thoughts
The lists of the things I have said above may look basic, but in the basic things we usually forget how to properly use it in real application. People always go for technical things as they thought it would create most of the impact on their writing. Knowing the fundamentals, give you more of the big picture to improve the writing you need the most.
It is the essential factor that people always forget and underestimate when applying. To remind you, I could simply give an example of how many smart people live in this world, but do you know all of them? I guess the answer is no because only a few of them are widely known, really implementing the essential factors I stated above.