3 Very Short Tips To Make Your First Writing Published
Do it or you’re not going anywhere.
Writing can be a dilemma. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s easy. But for most people, writing is a disastrous scene. Writing can be very intimidating if you don’t know what to convey. Many writers got stuck in their first paragraph so that they could see it end up as nothing but a blank paper.
Actualizing your ideas and expression on a piece of paper takes a lot of effort. You may end up doing nothing along the way, but if you do that, you’ll also realize that you’re not going anywhere, or I could say your fear holding you back to develop you both as a writer and a person.
In order to publish your writing so it didn’t end up on the draft lists, here are 3 short tips to help you achieve the results.These 3 short tips will help you hit the publish button and start a change in your writing drastically.
#1. Have Purpose and Direction
Before you actually type, know what you want to tell and inform the readers. Find purpose and direction on why you want to write in the very first place. Those would help you forward to embark on your writing adventure. Every writer has a different purpose and direction, some of them after the money and some of them chasing the joy, choose what kinds of writer you want to be.
So in order to write, we seek a structure from the purpose and direction you want to reach. This helps most writers achieve completion on their writings. By having purpose and direction, you can easily write almost anything in that area or topic you’ve chosen.
#2. Growth Mindset
I’ve already told this to anyone who wants to start for almost everything in their life. When you do something you don’t know of or you’re not an expert on that field before, JUST START ALREADY AND FAILED ALONG THE WAY. Somehow you’ll learn from the mistakes and fix it and you’re good to go.
Anyway, what loss might occur from writing something? Is the world going to end if you have awful writing? Will there be an earthquake? Tornado? Please give yourself a favor to always try something before. Fix your mindset on how it would end, you never know that someday, maybe you’ll become a famous writer.
#3. Start Small
If you know that creating a long piece of writing is taking so much energy and time, just make it short and to the point. Numbers do not always justify a quality. Most readers also didn’t like it if they used too much of their time to read long writings. Some readers may need your writing short and concise, so they can continue to move on doing other activities.
It seems writers have taken writing on a serious level until they decide to stop it because they didn’t feel their writings were not good enough for the audience or readers. Although it feels overwhelming to publish your first writing, the opportunity to grow even greater is by publishing it. Do it or you’re not going anywhere.