3 Things You At Least Need to Have as A Writer in 2022

Based on the increasingly economic gig trend in the writing field

Zidni Ilman
3 min readDec 17, 2021
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Pexels

2022 is coming soon and you self-proclaimed yourself as a writer because you always write every day.

It’s good to hear someone as a writer, however, do you know what it takes to be a writer, to get affirmation when you declare yourself as a writer?

When someone expresses they are something that they do, there must’ve been backup proof or evidence to support it right?

As it also helps you to succeed and perform well in the rising economic gig trend happening now.

These 3 things could boost your credentials more as a devoted writer in front of clients or people who need your skills.

Here are 3 things that you at least need to have and support the display of what you do as a writer in 2022.

#1. Long-Established Blog

A writer will forever be connected with a blog. It just doesn’t feel right for writers to call themselves a writer when there is no work they can show off.

On the other hand, having a blog would eventually help every writer to verify their claim as an actual writer. No bluffing and deceiving.

By putting our work on a blog, people will surely know that the writers are credible and trustworthy. Showing your creations on a blog is a long-term investment in a writer’s writing career.

Not to mention if your blog gets a lot of traffic. A company or an individual will seek your expertise and knowledge to help grow their business based on your writing subject matter.

#2. A Book or An Ebook

Book, if I could depict it, is like a boss we must fight and defeat on each level in a game.

It’s the most terrifying thing to do in a writer’s writing journey. Many writers are scared to create a book (including me).

Each book writers create will be like a malignant struggle, but in the end, it will give a sweet victory to a sense of satisfaction.

However, if a writer successfully published a book and turns out a lot of people buy and read the book, it will be the biggest achievement milestone in their writing career.

I believe having a book or an ebook would showcase how much you dedicated your life to writing. Helping and changing the world through words.

If a publisher doesn’t accept your book, you can just create an ebook and sell it independently on an independent platform (which is something I would be going to do).

We don’t need the publisher or anyone else’s approval to create one. You simply produce it and make it better over time.

#3. Monetized Works and Positive Reviews of Your Writings

Why do I mention this?

Since the writing world of work is increasingly bigger and demanded in the future, displaying your monetized writings will guarantee you are truly worthy of your title, a writer, someone who is competent at writing.

You need reviews of what you do and by doing that people will believe in you and in what you work on.

Portfolios or testimonials of your writings could do the job just right. Either on your website or your freelancing profile.

If you have excellent writing skills, it’s a value that is highly requested and sought by every individual or company needed to help grow their interests, especially with the increasing economic gig right now.

Final Thoughts

A writer is someone who writes and legitimately devoted their time to creating magnificent work. However, you can’t just tell people that you’re a writer without any single evidence to back up your claim.

You need things such as a long-established blog with decent traction, a book or an ebook, and monetized work and positive reviews of your writings.

With the growing demand in the economic gig trend, having those three things as a writer could help you succeed and get more jobs than ever.

It plays a big role in every writer’s career in the long run and turns most of them into established writers.



Zidni Ilman
Zidni Ilman

Written by Zidni Ilman

Hello, I'm Zidni and I work as an Amazon product sourcer for a US private company.

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