3 Simple Habits to Get Your Writing Done In a Few Hours
It may sound simpler, but many writers forget to prioritize it
So you’ve been struggling to get your writing done or even published it just because you had run out of ideas or maybe you face a condition that every writer calls it “writer’s block”. Many writers deal with the same circumstances as distractions. Ranging from a beginner and an expert one. And if you are, somehow, experiencing the mutual events, I suggest you keep reading my article to enlighten.
As a writer, I confess that sometimes those experiences occur in the middle of my writing process. It’s bothering me so much because I can’t continue to work on my writing and finish it according to my plan. When distraction disrupts your writing process, I could’ve said you pretty much lost at that moment.
When something distracts you:
Ideas become blurry and you are not focusing much attention on the writing anymore. I have a saying to this as a condition where most writers have lost at the sea, drowned, and vanished.
What makes writers mostly stand out is their ideas. Make sure every notion that pops up in your head is well-articulated in writing. In order to get your ideas about something recorded and read by many people, start writing and finish by hitting the publish button.
But many writers simply didn’t have the courage to do so. And some of the writing they probably have made had to stay on the draft. This is merely a meaningless action that writers must put aside for a long time, or forever, if they want to succeed.
You could get your writings done in a few hours if you simply develop a habit that would actually make it work. The lists below are 3 simple habits that can help you get your writings done immediately with no problems.
#1. Imagining
My number one habit to make my writing done in a few hours is imagining it in a long hour before I write it down. I have to say, most of my writings came out of my imagination. I see the big picture for my writing when I imagine it.
Imagining also helps me to always experiment on different content and to put new vocabulary on the go. I may fail, but at least what I have imagined is actually coming out as a piece of art. It feels like you are on par with J. K. Rowling with her Harry Potter and J. R. R. Tolkien with his Lord of The Rings masterpiece (I’m making a joke obviously, lol).
I mean, you got the point right? It shows that everything starts from the wildest imagination.
I mostly imagine how to arrange my ideas and arguments into a story that would reach and help everyone else in their writing journey process. How my belief gives a big impact to help every new writer to achieve their success amidst the struggle.
So start imagining what you want to tell to the readers.
#2. Reading and Researching
If you want to be great at writing, then you have to be at least good at reading too. And what I mean by good at reading is that you have to read a lot. Start your reading habit with a mountain of readings which would develop your ability to store and tell information. With a mountain of readings, it can strengthen your vocabulary and grammar. Surely it will make your writing more efficient than before.
Besides reading, the ability to research is also a must for writers who want their writing to get finished in a short time. Doing the habit of always searching and fact-finding will give you a massive development in your writing skills. Your writing skills will become more effective and run down smoothly as the time goes by because you can pinpoint an important key point of facts.
#3. Keeping Notes of Ideas and Evidence
After imagining, reading and researching, now what?
So what you want to do next is keeping those imaginations and important knowledge you got from the books you had read and the evidence or fact from fact-finding or researching processes, you want to keep all those crucial ingredients in your notes. The note could vary from a journal, a diary, a notebook, or whatever note-taking system you have. You want to record it well so the ideas or the evidence or the facts don’t go away and last forever in your mind.
If you already keep your ideas or any facts or evidence you had found before, you can always go back to your notes to write and make it a story. In case you also forget about what you want to write, keeping notes surely would be a great help in the time of need. Besides that, keeping notes are ways to improve your writing step by step and in the long run.
Writing can be difficult if you don’t have the habits to make it easier. Having the right habits would give you a boost in your writing performance. The habits also don’t have to be so hard, by just doing simple habits I have listed above, you can achieve the results just about any level you are now, and it gives me permission to finish my article in just a few hours. It worked well for me and I hope it could work well with you too.