3 Realistic Approaches to Achieve Your Writing Goals
The most realistic way you can apply straightaway
Why are you having trouble writing?
First, probably you’re not good enough?
Or second, is your environment doesn’t support you pretty well?
If you ask the answer to your question in the first one, all you have to do is practice, practice, and practice until you get better. Like what the quotes say, “Practice makes perfect”.
What if the answer to the second question is what you need? Knowing that there aren’t any supportive conditions and solid writing systems to back up your writing habit?
The lack of a supportive environment and no fixed systems to write around you could be an enormous factor in your writing results. Most writers take it lightly with these two elements.
Would you picture it if you literally can achieve what most writers did to be productive and attain their writing goals?
These are 3 realistic approaches to make you write productive and achieve your writing goals.
1. Put Your Gadgets Away
Gadgets such as your smartphone, tab, portable game, and music player often affect your writing process because of how itchy people are to scroll social media, watch movies, play games, or just simply listen to music. Social media and other entertainment have immediately become your first escape when you feel the work is hard, boring, or less entertaining to do.
Besides escaping from your work, social media or web surfing distracts our attention with loud notifications and the entertainment it serves to relieve the stress that originated from your work.
Do what you can the best to throw away all the unnecessary distractions coming from your gadgets. Try putting them in one rack and store them elsewhere, far from your sight. Focus only on doing the writing in front of you.
2. Use Time Blocking
Time blocking is a game-changer in my writing productivity. It has helped define how much time I should spend working on my writing. Many productivity gurus are also recommending one of these productivity hacks to improve the results of our work or the task we need to accomplish.
Time blocking is an act where we set a definite time to do things in a limited amount of time. For instance, on a day when you wrote for your project, you pick up a schedule and then set it for 25 or 50 minutes long. After 25 or 50 minutes, you no longer write and focusing on working on something else.
3. Write in The Morning
Morning is the perfect time to start almost any activity you want to do. Mostly, morning is the time we get a mind serenity. Still quiet and absent from all the interruptions in our busy lives.
Many famous writers write in the morning and achieve a state where their writings flow smoothly and serenely.
When you start your day by writing in the morning, you’ll also notice that you get ahead in finishing every task earlier, so it saves your time drastically in other tasks.
So start writing in the morning and finish your writing earlier.
Writing is always a confusing task to do. Sometimes you’ll write effortlessly and sometimes it’s demanding. Knowing the right things to do with environments and systems could strongly tackle the problems you face, along with the process with the right approaches, could strongly attain your writing goals.