3 Key Reasons To Kick-Started Writing Online Now
The fundamentals you must have to start your journey
Have you ever felt afraid to write online?
I guess many first-timers when they try to write online and grow their existence virtually encounter the same concern.
Fear that you may not be worth enough to share your thoughts, experiences, or even bits of knowledge you have in your mind is the one who held you back to show your online presence.
Writing online over the past 10 years massively changes how the internet looks right now. It’s full of people sharing what they’ve got in their minds and eventually helping people with those words they wrote.
You can name it from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (although it is much more focused with images), Medium, Personal Blogs, and the list goes on and on. There are so many people out there voicing their thoughts as writings through those platforms above.
Here are my 3 key reasons to kick-started your writing online journey now.
1. Helping People Solve Their Problems
Putting your thoughts or ideas, experiences, observations, or even learning about something on the internet would be a big help to solving someone else’s problems. Well, we never know that maybe your ideas could inspire other people, your experiences could teach them one or two lessons, or even your observations could become a huge insight into their life.
The main thing I want to deliver is that, when you write online, you help people from all over the world solve their biggest issues. Start writing now because good deeds would eventually turn into good results and you might be the one who will help people solve those issues.
2. Promising Job Prospects
Writing online has many great opportunities waiting for you to take it. I mean, look at the leading freelancing sites out there such as Fiverr and Upwork. They have a lot of job openings for writers like us that pay decently.
It could even pay our bills if we really want to concentrate our attention on the platforms to find the work and money needed. What you must do is the pitch to get the job done by you or create an attractive gig where the service seeker would want to hire you.
I see a lot of freelancers’ stories succeed and make millions of dollars from writing online. What a great time we live in right now doesn’t it?
3. Your Online Presence Is The Best Branding
The Internet leaves us with trails that cause all people from around the world to search and find all of our information with ease. Many see this as a moment to introduce themselves positively. Showing people that you are a productive and effective person in the field you do will give you a big impact in your life or career.
Depending on what you do, if you’re a writer and right now looking for a writing job, the traces or portfolios of your writing sample could lead you to get hired. The same applies to a designer with their design portfolios or video editor with their video editing portfolios.
Write what you are really passionate about and brand yourself as a person with high curiosity in those fields. Describe yourself in a word that would attract more people into you, not avoiding you. Make them stay on your online presence and assure them to finally hire or collaborate with you.
Final Thoughts
If you are late to the party, then quickly join one writing platform you consider suits you the best. There is no such thing as “late” in learning. Learning has no time or age limit. The only thing you are “late” is when you are not learning at all. So start writing now and helping people with whatever you have in your mind, be it some simple ideas or little knowledge you have right now. When helping people is your main purpose, you are already the master of what you do in your words.